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Being Broke And Going Vegan; 7 Money Saving Tips

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There's one big misconception about veganism; it's least that's what is being said about veganism. This might stem from the idea that we have to buy expensive supplements, powders, superfoods or vegan meat and dairy substitutes in order to sustain this lifestyle. However, we believe that every lifestyle has the potential to be expensive and it's literally about how you go about it. So in this article we'll debunk this myth and at the same help you save you money!

1. Prepare your own meals

Restaurant or diner meals are much more expensive compared to self-made ones since you're paying for the service. Eating out should only be an occasional treat or avoided altogether if you're on a budget. I know it can be hard to say no to your friends when they ask you to come out, but remember; your friends won't pay your bills. You're responsible and therefore you should make responsible decisions. Besides, they're your friends and therefor they shouldn't really give you a hard time about it.

2. Look for Whole Foods

Whole, plant foods are loaded with all the essential nutrients your body needs and should be the staple of your diet. The great thing about these pure foods is that they are also the cheapest ones out there, especially the starchy foods. So don't listen to the propaganda that 'organic foods' are also the most expensive ones. Examples of cheap foods; brown rice, potatoes, oats, whole-grain pasta, Carrots, broccoli, cabbage, beets, kale etcetera. 

3. Try to buy in bulk

Stay away from the packages that only contain a certain amount of servings. Big packages or family packs usually provide much better value for cost than small containers or bags. Look out for the unit price which tells you the exact cost per pound, liter etc. This makes it easy to compare between products and choose the cheapest option.

4. Brand Name vs Generic Brand

Big householder names often also own the small generic brands. They're trying to create some sort of competition between their own products only for you to choose their most expensive brand. So please look carefully at the macronutrients, the labels etcetera. Often there's a negligible difference between the two. So choosing for a cheaper generic brand can save you a lot of money!

5. Make A List Of What You Need

It's very simple; if you know what you need, you buy only what you need. You won't get distracted by the colorful packaging of products that you don't really need. A list of foods you need to buy is also more efficient and it saves time!

6. Buy Frozen

If you're on a budget, buy frozen when you can. Frozen greens, veggies, and fruits are far more affordable and possibly more nutritious than fresh forms, not to mention they won’t go bad before you can use them. Sure you can't do this with all fruits, but with regards to the veggies, you definitely with the vast majority of them!

7. Shop with cash

If you’re having trouble with sticking to your budget, try shopping with cash. Credit cards and debit cards can create the feeling that you have an inexhaustible cash flow. But unfortunately that isn’t usually the case. Shopping with cash is a good way to stick to your budget and see the true financial impact of your expenses!

I hope that you enjoyed this article and that it was of value to you! If you know someone who needs to read this article, please share the message :D !


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